Financial aid is designed to help you reach your educational goal in a timely manner. To be eligible for financial aid, you must meet 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) standard. The 金融援助 office at PCC has established guidelines (based on federal 规则)来评估你的进步. 你应该看看规则,知道是什么 它需要保持获得经济援助的资格.


The Office of 金融援助 uses the following three standard to assess academic progress.

Note: The financial aid 令人满意的学业进展 standard are stricter than 学院的进度规则.

1. 定量还是速度

All students are required to successfully complete a minimum of 67% of all units attempted including units transferred to PCC, to meet this standard. 已完成的课程已登记 units for which credit is received and final grades posted. 只有A, B, C, D或P被认为是完成的单位. 给学生打分的班级 of F, I, NP, IP, W, EW or other will not be counted as units completed for satisfactory academic progress purposes, but the units will be counted as attempted. 学生必须 successfully complete a cumulative minimum of 67% of the units attempted to meet this standard.

2 -定性


At the time of review, a student’s official cumulative 平均绩点 (GPA) is evaluated to determine whether qualitative standard are being met. 学生追求 获得a的课程.A. 学位,A.S. 学位、证书或转学证书 program to a 4-year college or university must maintain at least a 2.00累积 平均绩点.

3 .态度及时

经济援助不是无限的. 这个standard看的是你需要多长时间 完成你的课程教育目标. 联邦法规规定你可以接受 financial aid for no more than 150% attempted units in your program of enrollment.

  • 例子: A 2-year programs 150% rule would give a student 6 full-time semesters or the equivalent 完成他们的学习计划. 

  • 例子: A certificate program with a published length of time is 30 units, the 150% time 帧标记是45个单位. 这也包括所有尝试和转移单元.

  • Up to 30 units of basic skills (400-level) courses are excluded from the 150%. 然而, students are expected to matriculate from basic skills to a regular program after 一年(相当于一年).

The Office of 金融援助 will determine how long you have been in an undergraduate program or certificate program as well as the time required to complete your goal. Each time a course is repeated, it will count in the time frame calculation.

  • 例子: At PCC, students will be notified that they have exceeded the time frame at 90 attempted units because normal matriculation time to complete an AA/AS degree goal is two years. 然而, if there are exceptional circumstances presented a Satisfactory Academic 进度申诉可以提交.


Definitions of the various statuses you can fall into based on your academic status

You are meeting the 满意的学业进步standard. 伟大的工作! 继续 良好的工作!


The school assigns this status to a student who is failing to meet Satisfactory Academic 进展(SAP). The school reinstates eligibility for aid for one payment period and 可以在没有学生申诉的情况下这样做吗. SAP在每学期结束时进行审查. 如果一个 student fails to meet SAP standard after the term they are in a warning status the 学生将被取消下学期的学习资格. 你将获得学生资助 aid funds during the warning period provided your eligibility and enrollment status 不变的是你在吗 失去经济援助资格的危险.


取消资格 occurs when a student who as been placed on "警告" fails to make SAP. When Disqualified, you lose your financial aid eligibility due to not meeting 满意的学业进步standard.

150 max

A student will placed in 150 max status if they have:

  1. Completed a Certificate Program or Exceeded the Time Frame of the Certificate  Program (Ex. 18个单位× 150% =尝试27个单位)
  2. 尝试了90多个单位

When in 150 max status you are no longer eligible for financial aid.


If you are found to be ineligible for financial aid, you may upload through your LancerPoint a 令人满意的学业进展 上诉 in order to be reconsidered for Financial 援助. 


  1. PCC 金融援助 令人满意的学业进展 上诉
  2. Documentation to support exceptional/extenuating circumstances that were beyond your 控制. (See below for examples of exceptional circumstances)
  3. A statement explaining what exceptional/extenuating circumstances prevented you from reaching your educational goal, how the exceptional/extenuating circumstance has been resolved, and how long it will take you to complete that goal.
  4. Your most recent Student Comprehensive Educational Plan which documents the length of time remaining in completing your educational goal at PCC, and all classes needed 对于你申报的项目. 

Examples of Exceptional and Extenuating Circumstances: Medical Issues-Hospitalization, medical conditions, a death in the family (immediate family members only), divorce, 服兵役,失去工作/家庭.

The 上诉 committee will use regulatory guidelines set by the Department of Education and institutional policy to review 令人满意的学业进展 (SAP) requirements to determine a student’s eligibility for Student 金融援助 (SFA). 这个决定 made by the 上诉 Committee will be final and there will be no further appeals.


If your appeal is approved on Probation, you must complete all courses with a grade C级或更高. If you fail to meet the terms of Probation you will be Disqualified.