The Importance of Sleep

一天中可能没有足够的时间来完成所有的事情.  All things being equal, 睡8小时的学生通常比睡6-7小时的学生表现更好.  With 适量的睡眠,人们更好地学习和处理新信息 resilient and are more creative.   With a good night’s sleep, you will perform better 并且在考试等具有智力挑战性的任务中有更好的记忆力.

How Resilient Are You?

Bad stuff happens to good people.  Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of significant sources of stress.  Even if we aren’t in control of stressors, we are in control of how we chose to deal with it.  Perhaps you received bad news while studying for an exam.  What about the bad news can you do something about or change?  与适应力相关的因素有:对自己能做的事情持现实态度 而且对此无能为力,制定计划并坚持到底,保持积极的态度 对自己,沟通和解决问题的能力,咨询专业人士 help, and management of strong feelings and emotions.

Do You Make Time for Exercise?

Do you remember how to play? When you were a kid, you probably enjoyed some type of 活动,无论是运动,游泳,跳舞,还是骑自行车.  Play 锻炼是生活的重要组成部分——你知道的!  Burning off some energy 与你的身体保持一致有助于保持身体和情感的平衡, and mentally.  到户外晒太阳也被证明能提高学习能力 and retention of information. Take the time to give yourself some play time.  The benefits far exceeds the time spent.

Social Connection

你与他人的关系是你保持健康的关键.  You may not know it, but there really is a place here for you.  One of the best things about P.C.C. is our diversity.  这里有很多不同的人和地方,有很多机会 abounds for you to be connected and to shine.   Among the things you could do are: 加入一个俱乐部,加入学生会,或者组建一个学习小组.

Mastering Stress

Let’s face it—you work hard and get stressed.  Stress is here to stay.  Even though 我们希望它不是这样,它将永远是我们生活的一部分.  It’s not about avoiding 压力,但了解你自己(你的极限和优势)并积极主动.

有些时候,我们的需求实际上使我们不堪重负,以至于我们觉得自己无法应付.  我们开始感到不知所措、焦虑、沮丧、无助和/或愤怒.  Some of 我们有身体症状,比如睡眠和/或食欲障碍,身体紧张, or depleted energy.  其他人可能会遇到智力障碍的压力,如 比如考试焦虑、拖延症或缺乏动力.  Stress can impact us socially 同时,它还会让我们退缩、感到孤立,甚至变得好斗.

信不信由你,有时候一点压力是有帮助的. Motivating us to prepare and perform.  找到正确的平衡和对待压力的态度会有所帮助.  Take time to learn more about stress and to manage it.

Here are some helpful strategies:

  • Learn to Relax 
    Throughout the day, take “minibreaks.”  Sit down and get comfortable.  Slowly take a deep breath in, hold it, and then exhale very slowly.   Do this 3 times.
  • Practice Acceptance  
    很多人会因为无法改变的事情而苦恼,比如被抓 in traffic.  Work on changing the things you can.
  • Talk Rationally to Yourself 
    问问你自己,压力会在一天或一天内对你产生什么真正的影响 一周,看看你是否能让消极的想法消失.  Watch out for perfectionism—set realistic and attainable goals.
  • Disarm Yourself 
    生活中的每一种情况都不需要你竞争.  Adjust the approach to an event according to the demands of it.  Save raising your voice or yelling for those rare occasions when it’s necessary.
  • Quiet Time
    平衡你的大学,家庭和工作需求与特殊的私人时间.  Hobbies, 比如做填字游戏或投篮,都是很好的日常解药 pressure.  Practice unwinding in a healthy, responsible way.


What a concept!  我们已经习惯了开车和强迫自己,所以这个想法 kindness just doesn’t seem to fit.  But when you think about it, bullying ourselves doesn’t necessarily bring out the best in us.  Research is pouring in about the benefits 自我同情,包括:减少焦虑,增强适应力,整体更好 mental health.   Don’t believe us…. Try it! 

Gratitude Helps

人们经常注意到生活中出现的问题,但却很少花时间去关注 savor the components of life that are going right.  Considering aspects of our life 你所感激的,可以帮助你建立一个积极的观点.  Practicing 在日常生活中,感恩是一项有用的技能.   Here are some things to do:

  • 试着每天写下一件让你感激的事情.
  • 试着找出挑战当前思维的学习机会.
  • 无论大小,都要向别人表达感激之情.
  • When someone helps you, let them know.
  • 试着给一个对你的生活有积极影响的人写封信,解释一下 the way they have affected you.

Do You Practice Healthy Eating

繁忙的课业和工作安排,有限的资源,缺乏烹饪技能, 在深夜吃零食的诱惑下,均衡营养的饮食是很困难的.  良好的饮食使你身体健康,促进好心情,思维清晰和学习 performance.   虽然没有单一的“正确”饮食方式,但有规律的饮食要多种多样 食物(从所有食物组)和充足的水合作用(水是最好的)是关键.

吃得好很重要,但如果你对食物或体重的想法变得偏执 或者很痛苦,你可能正在发展饮食失调. Medical, counseling and nutritional 支持可通过个人咨询和学生健康服务,其中 you can make an appointment to see a dietitian.   

Time Management

Time flies by without our permission.  How you manage your time can have a big impact on your academic success at P.C.C.  It can also be an important factor in your stress level.  如今,科技的使用在拖延症中扮演着重要的角色.  短信,电子邮件,Facebook和电脑游戏,而服务作为分心 academic work, can become time-consuming and addictive.  Sometimes it’s hard to recognize 当它已经成为一个问题和做什么来控制它的使用.  Consider keeping a log of your non-work related internet use.  Successful students set goals and replaced 他们的一些上网时间与健康的活动,如花时间与朋友 or taking a walk.  

Career Planning

当你对自己的职业目标感觉良好时,你往往会更享受自己.  You 会更专注于课堂,更有可能和教授交流等等吗 engaged in your education.  职业决策有时会成为压力的来源. 许多学生努力选择专业,发现自己被他们的专业所左右 own interests and the expectations of others.  Even students who were once certain 他们的目标可能会突然发现自己困惑、不知所措或质疑自己的目标 choices. 花时间探索你自己和你的选择是一个重要的部分 of being focused and well.