许多人没有意识到这一点,但压力是生活中非常自然和重要的一部分. Without stress there would be no life at all!

我们需要压力 (积极压力), but not too much stress for too long (痛苦). 我们的身体天生就会对这两种压力做出反应. Eustress helps keep us alert, 激励我们面对挑战,推动我们解决问题. These low levels 压力是可控的,可以被认为是必要的和正常的刺激.

另一方面,当我们的身体对事件反应过度时,就会产生痛苦. 它会带来 所谓的“战斗或逃跑”反应. Such reactions may have been 在很久以前,当我们的祖先面临着频繁的生与死时,它是有用的 重要的. Nowadays, such occurrences are not usual. Yet, we react to many college situations as if they were life-or-death issues. Our bodies really don't know the difference 在剑齿虎和教授让我们在前面背诵一段之间 属于某一类的. 是我们如何感知和解释生活中的事件决定了我们如何去做 our bodies will react. 如果我们理解某事非常可怕或令人担忧,我们的 bodies will react accordingly.

When we view something as manageable, though, our body doesn't go haywire; it remains alert, but not alarmed. 我们交感神经系统的激活是非常重要的 我们一般神经系统的一部分)动员我们快速行动. The more we sense 危险,无论是社会的还是身体的,我们的身体反应越强烈. Have you ever been so worried 十大靠谱棋牌游戏做一个演讲,你的心跳得那么大声,你的嘴那么干 that you thought you just couldn't do it? That's over-reaction. Problems can occur 当过度激活交感神经系统是不必要的. 如果我们 反应太强烈,或者让小的过度反应(日常的麻烦)堆积起来,我们 可能会遇到身体和心理上的问题. Gastrointestinal problems (e.g.急性腹泻(腹泻或恶心)、抑郁或严重头痛都可能引起 痛苦. Insomnia, heart disease, and 痛苦 habits (e.g., drinking, overeating, 吸烟和吸毒都可能是小痛苦积累的结果.

我们都需要的是学会以更现实和合理的方式处理问题 方法. 强烈的反应最好保留在严重的情况下. Manageable reactions 对我们每天都要面对的问题有帮助吗.

Are You a Reactor or Over-Reactor?

以下是导致一些学生感到压力而另一些学生感到苦恼的情况. 想象一下 that each one is happening to you right now. How are you reacting?

  • Waiting in a registration line
  • Doing poorly on an examination
  • Breaking off a relationship
  • Looking for a parking space
  • Giving a speech
  • Asking someone for a date
  • 离开几年后重返大学
  • Choosing a major
  • Writing a term paper
  • Preparing for final exams

Here Are Some 健康ful Hints

基本上,我们需要改变我们对各种情况的过度反应. Rather than seeing 在心理上或身体上受到威胁的情况,从而激活我们的 交感神经系统,我们需要激活副交感神经系统 帮助降低生理唤醒的部分. The following suggestions are designed to reduce 痛苦. 试一试. 他们的工作!


Throughout the day, take "minibreaks." Sit down and get comfortable. 慢慢地 深吸一口气,保持住,然后慢慢地呼出. At the same time, let your shoulder 肌肉下垂,微笑,对自己说一些积极的话,比如,“我是r-e-l-a-x-e-d。." Be sure to get adequate rest at night.

Practice Acceptance

很多人会因为自己无法改变的事情而苦恼,比如排队登记 lines and getting caught in traffic. Make the most of a difficult situation, try to 看别人的观点,排队时和别人交谈,在车里听平静的音乐.

Talk Rationally to Yourself

问问你自己,压力会在一天或一天内对你产生什么真正的影响 一周,看看你是否能让消极的想法消失. Think through whether the situation is your problem or someone else's. If it is yours, approach it calmly, but 如果它是别人的,你就无能为力了. Rather than condemn 事后想想,“我应该这么做的 . . . , " think about what you can learn from the error, and plan for the future. And, watch out for perfectionism -- set realistic and attainable goals. Remember, everyone makes errors. Also, be careful 拖延症——将任务分解成更小的单元并按优先级排序会有所帮助 get things done.


制定一个现实的每日时间表,包括上课、学习、工作、 sleep, relationships, and recreation. Use a daily "things to do list.“提高你的 清理你的房间或公寓,整理你的 桌子上. 手边有学习材料(比如抽认卡),以防你有多余的材料 minutes to review.


体育活动总是能缓解压力. Long ago, daily work was largely physical. 现在,体力消耗不再是赚钱的必要条件 为了生存,我们在工作时不容易摆脱压力. It accumulates very 很快. 我们需要制定一个有规律的锻炼计划来帮助减少影响 of stress before it becomes 痛苦. Try aerobics, walking, jogging, dancing, swimming, 诸如此类.

Reduce Time Urgency

如果你经常看表,或者担心自己的时间都花在什么地方,那就学习一下吧 to take things a bit slower. 计划好你的日程安排,这样你就能顺利到达PCC before class time to secure a parking space. Recognize that you can only do so much in a given period. Practice the notion of "pace, not race."

Disarm Yourself

生活中的每一种情况都不需要你竞争. Adjust your approach to an event according to the demands of it. You don't have to yell or raise your voice in a simple discussion. 和你的朋友打网球不一定会让你失望 be the Olympic Trials. 放下你的“武器”,比如大喊大叫,互相指责,争吵 最后一句话,贬低别人,指责别人.


平衡你的大学,家庭和工作需求与特殊的私人时间. 爱好 are good antidotes for daily pressures. Try unwinding by taking a quiet stroll, soaking 洗个热水澡,看看日落,听听舒缓的音乐.

Watch Your Habits

Eat sensibly; a balanced diet will provide all the necessary energy you will need throughout the day. Avoid non-prescription drugs, and minimize your alcohol use; you 需要在精神上和身体上保持警惕来应对压力. Be mindful of the effects of excessive caffeine and sugar on nervousness. And, put out the cigarettes -- they 限制血液循环,影响应激反应.

Talk to Friends

Friends can be good medicine. 每天的谈话,定期的社交活动, 偶尔分享深层次的感受和想法可以很好地减少痛苦.

想了解更多十大靠谱棋牌游戏压力或压力管理的信息,请咨询个人办公室 心理咨询(D203)和学生健康服务(D105). Professional consultation is free to currently enrolled students.