让我猜猜... the reason you opened this page probably has to do with your desire to improve your 自尊. 好. You'd be amazed at how many students really think badly about themselves. Some 是 down on themselves all the time, while others think negatively only on occasion.

Self-esteem, or what you think about your worth, has a great deal to do with how you 引导你的生活. Those with a positive sense of themselves may run for student office or interpret "constructive criticism" from professors as helpful hints. 他们愿意 to try new things, enjoy being friendly, and avoid overpersonalizing 事故. 他们 recognize that their worth is not solely a function of external factors, such as what others think of them, their GPAs, their appearance, or their material possessions. Those with low 自尊, on the other hand, crumble when they make an error on 考试. 他们 may avoid new challenges, believe they don't deserve things or shy away 和PCC同学见面. Over-sensitivity results in their finding fault in themselves.


Take this inventory to gauge how you see yourself. 这不是科学的心理学 instrument, but it may reveal some attitudes and behaviors you may wish to change. Pay attention to how closely each of the statements describes you.

  1. I frequently use negative labels in describing myself, e.g. "我很笨" "我长得很普通" “我是个失败者。."
  2. 当 I'm given a compliment, I usually look down and away and think or say something like: "It's really nothing," "Anyone could have done it," or "You're just saying that."
  3. 当 there's some sort of mishap, I often take responsibility for it.
  4. I don't feel comfortable in asking for help; besides, I don't want to burden others.
  5. 我会说,“我应该. . . 和“我不应该。. . . "当我看 回到没有成功的事情上.
  6. I can list more negative things about myself than positive ones.
  7. 当 I comp是 myself to others, I usually come up short.
  8. 我通常让别人为所欲为.


There is no time like the present to begin the project. 继续练习 以下的建议. 他们 will feel awkward at first, but like any "habit" (low 自尊 is like a habit of always thinking negatively about yourself), 自尊 can be modified with practice, patience, and positive reinforcement.


让我们面对现实吧... 整个世界并不是来伤害你的. 很多事情发生了,而且 around, you that really have nothing to do with you personally. 认识到它 may be someone else's doing or that no one's really to blame. 也不要让别人 批评你. Be mindful that it's your behavior that may be evaluated, but not who 你是一个人.


Most likely, you're accustomed to labeling your personality traits as defects. 当 you catch yourself saying, "I'm such a jerk" or other self-labels, tell yourself, “停止! " Remember, self put-downs don't help; they only make you feel worse. 只是 because you behaved in a particular way, your behavior does not define who you 是 作为一个人.


You can punish yourself indefinitely for things you could have or should have done 在过去. 记住,“事后诸葛亮”.“因为你无法精确地预测 未来,你一定会犯错误. By understanding this, you can practice forgiving others and yourself for old mistakes, and embarrassments. 不要沉溺于感情之中 内疚,怨恨和羞耻. 它们是无效的增长动力. 相反, focus on the present and develop realistic plans for the future.


没有人喜欢听没完没了的抱怨. 此外,重复的抱怨条件 你总是消极地看待这个世界. If you have a legitimate gripe, see if there's something 你可以做些建设性的事情来纠正它. 如果你真的无能为力,就接受吧 这是生活中的一个怪癖,摆脱它吧.


认清自己的优势. Make a list of your positive qualities, and add to the list 每隔几天. 给 yourself credit even for the smallest things. 在每一个结尾 一天,回顾你的成就. Don't discount your successes by magnifying your 事故. If you're going to think about errors, concentrate on what you have learned 以及如何改善未来. 学会从容地接受赞美 smile; say, "thank you," and don't undo them by explaining why you did something.


Use personal "pep talks" about what you can do and what is possible. 做你自己 cheerleader, try repeating to yourself, "I know I can do it" and "I have what it takes 处理事情.“这是一个大胆的尝试. 对着镜子说 大声说:“我是一个有价值的人.同时,写下一个积极的想法.g., "I have a wonderful smile," and stick it on your door, refrigerator, or car dashboard.


不要与自私相混淆. Enjoy the specialness of being alone (which is 与孤独完全不同). 放纵自己,不要内疚. 花点时间 a quiet stroll, listen to music, watch a sunset, or do whatever activity that is self-nurturing.


在一天中,“小休息”一下.“坐下来,舒服点. 慢慢地把 a deep breath, hold it, and then exhale very slowly. 同时,让你的肩膀 muscles droop, smile, and quietly say to yourself, "I am r-e-l-a-x-e-d."


Humor and laughter have been shown to have powerful effects on our physical as well 作为心理功能. Learn to chuckle at yourself and your actions. 看到 在困境中保持幽默. Take the wind out of the serious sail of life by having 玩得很开心. The smile that results will help you feel good about who you 是.


一定要和别人有眼神交流. 向同学问好. ,微笑 more; it will help you and others feel good. 让别人知道你喜欢花时间 与他们. Ask them how they're doing and what they're into. 分享你的想法和 经历. 记得用清晰的声音说话.


抛开自我意识. 不要过于谨慎. 尝试新事物,探索新事物 机会. 发现感兴趣的项目. 找出你真正喜欢和享受的东西. You'll discover that there's a very interesting person inside you.

If you would like to discuss your 自尊 in more detail, you may request a confidential consultation with a member of the counseling psychology staff in L-108. 专业 个人心理咨询 is free to currently enrolled students.