We all have occasional bouts of mild insomnia. It may be due to an excessively stimulating day, a particularly disturbing event, or perhaps an especially difficult assignment due the next day. 通常这些时期 are brief and we are able to resume our normal sleep pattern. 不过,有时候, when stress may be prolonged for several weeks altering our sleep pattern so that 晚上睡个好觉是很难的. 我们可能翻来覆去,反复思考 many things, or wake up frequently during the night. 似乎我们越努力 sleep, the more impossible it is to fall asleep. 我们不知不觉地制约着自己 在清醒中体验夜晚. 我们甚至在白天小睡来“补觉”。 是什么让晚上更难入睡.

请放心. Sleep research shows that even chronic insomniacs get sleep. 他们可能 report getting no sleep, but laboratory results indicate that sleep does occur, albeit 不均匀. What is sought is the return of the subjective feeling that one has rested 好吧.

If you suffer from poor sleep, be sure to consult your physician to see if there are any physiological reasons for your situation. 你可能会被问及任何个人问题 problems or stresses you have been under lately since these psychological factors 会影响安稳的睡眠吗. Talking with the PCC counseling psychology staff may also help identify psychological complications to sleep.

Once you have "ruled out" any physical or serious psychological reasons for poor sleep, consider the following suggestions for better sleep habits (it would be wise to review 这些是你的医生).


  1. 保持固定的起床时间 This will help synchronize your circadian rhythms (your biological sleep-wake clock). If you work a swing or night shift, stay with your regular sleep- wake schedule as 即使在休息日也尽量接近. Changing your pattern may result in "jet lag" 症状.
  2. 创造一个睡眠环境 Muffle loud noises, screen light from entering your room, use a good bed, maintain a room temperature between 64°F and 66°F, and turn your clock away from you so you can't see it in the middle of the night (seeing the time tick by creates more pressure 让我难以入睡).
  3. 养成睡前习惯 These will serve as reminders that it is time for sleep. 您可以从锁定开始 关上你的门窗. Then, take a warm bath or shower, brush your teeth, change into your sleepwear (if you use them), turn down you bed, set your alarm clock, recite your prayer or meditate, turn off the lights, and use any other behavior that can be ritualized in the preparation for sleep.
  4. 使自己适应睡眠 Learn to associate lying in bed with sleep. 如果你躺在床上,最后却忧心忡忡 十大靠谱棋牌游戏事情,起床. It is better to go to sleep when you're drowsy. 避免 sleeping in other places around your house or apartment. 你的床也不是用来 研究. Use you desk and save your bed mainly for sleep.
  5. 白天不要小睡 This will throw off your sleep-wake cycle.
  6. 学会放松 If you are tense, deep muscle relaxation will help. 握紧你的拳头,感受紧张 for a few short seconds, then quickly relax your hand and allow the tension to escape. Do the same for your arms, then your neck, your abdominal area, and finally your legs. Take d-e-e-p, slow rhythmic breaths to help relax.
  7. 进行日常锻炼 这往往会加深睡眠. Try aerobics, jogging, calisthenics, swimming, walking, 诸如此类. Refrain from workouts a few hours before sleep since exercise is stimulating.
  8. AVOID CAFFEINE, CIGARETTES, AND ALCOHOL BEFORE GOING TO BED Caffeinated coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate increase arousal, so eliminate them 中午后. 不含咖啡因的饮料通常是好的. 因为香烟会增加 刺激,把他们赶走. Alcohol, while facilitating some relaxation, typically 导致支离破碎和睡眠质量差.
  9. 非处方助眠药 通常含有抗组胺药. While inducing drowsiness in many, some may become 过度刺激. Caution: sleep aids are for occasional use only; regular use may 导致过度依赖.
  10. 不要给自己贴上“失眠症”的标签。 Should you have a difficult night, the experience will only reinforce the label and create a fear of insomnia which could become a "self-fulfilling prophecy.“提醒 yourself that you will probably get some sleep even though it feels like you've had 没有一个. Concentrate on the idea that "rest will come."
  11. 晚饭后少喝水 This will lessen the likelihood of having to use the toilet in the middle-of-the-night 从而允许不间断的睡眠.
  12. 如果你整晚没睡 (or a good portion of it) to study for an exam or finish a paper, remember it will take a few days to readjust your sleep-wake cycle.
  13. 如果担心让你保持清醒, set up a 30 minute "worry" period to occur at the same time and in the same place 每一天. Be certain to confine all worrying to just the one time slot and to think 详细说明你的关注点. As you toss and turn in bed or wake up trying to solve your problems in the middle of the night, remind yourself that you'll have time 在第二天的焦虑期. Remember, too, that you're not really alert enough to solve problems when you're half asleep.

If you still are not sleeping 好吧 after trying the above tips, consult your physician, the nursing staff of 学生健康服务 in Room D105, or the counseling psychology staff of 个人心理咨询 in Room D203. Professional services at PCC are available 给在校生.