Final 考试 are stressful, but they don't have to be distressful. Because 考试 require you to produce information and results, not just receive them 就像在课堂上一样,他们很有压力. Your mind and body naturally react to the anticipation 这些要求. Getting "psyched up" about 决赛 helps you stay alert, attentive, 和专注. Too much worry, however, may lead to final exam panic, a syndrome known 对许多PCC学生来说. 以下是症状.

  • You waste time worrying about your GPA rather than preparing for 决赛.
  • Instead of studying more, you study less…until the last possible moment.
  • 考试前一晚你睡得不多. 你熬夜死记硬背.
  • You are convinced that you will receive a bad grade or that your mind will go blank 考试期间.
  • You are fine all semester, then you catch a cold or get sick during or right after 决赛.


The panic preceding 决赛 appears to result from two general causes: distorted thinking about 考试 and behavioral patterns in preparing for them.

Distorted thinking is the unrealistic way students think about themselves and their 考试. Some feel inadequate and are afraid 考试 will reveal their true inabilities. Several worry excessively about the grades they think they'll receive as if worrying 高分会帮助他们准备得更好. 许多人无休止地拿自己与 classmates or fret over how family or friends will react.

Behavioral patterns, such as study habits, are a second cause. 下面是三种类型 PCC学生的学习习惯模式. 虽然不是心理学研究的类型, they can be helpful in understanding how final exam panic develops. 看看是哪种类型 最能形容你这学期的表现了.


Concerned about learning the material as well as performing on 考试…From day one, paces self through semester with regularly scheduled study and review periods…Usually does not have to cram…Has positive attitude toward 考试 and professors…Sees 考试 as opportunities to demonstrate well prepared understanding of material…Gets a good 考试前的晚上休息.


Concerned about performance, but more on an exam basis…Motivation for study sparked by the approaching exam date…Prone to procrastination…Inconsistent study schedule…rials, but reviews only when absolutely necessary…Stays up late and often has fitful sleep 在考试之前.


Desire for study usually occurs at the last moment and intensity of study not high…No study plan…Preparation based on how student feels-study when the mood hits…Regular review periods replaced by cramming…Some lecture notes missing…Most material read 只有一次,而且经常是在考试前.


这里有一些减少期末考试恐慌的建议. a型不需要改变它们 例行公事太多. Type Bs will probably recognize the suggestions and will need to 努力解决这些问题. Type Cs may have a hard time seeing how these will help, but should 立即尝试.


理性的自言自语. Remind yourself that an exam is a professor's measure of your knowledge or skill in a course and not a reflection of who you are as a whole person. 不要为…烦恼 朋友或家人怎么想. And, forget about comparing yourself with classmates; 尽你所能. 记住,期末考试是必要的,也是有用的. 此外,你会 如果没有期末考试,就这么努力学习?

不做. Jumping to the conclusion that you will fail or have a mental block on the exam only creates a wall of fear that interferes with concentration. 你的负面预测 不是事实. Focus on the present and what study steps you can implement to prepare.

积极的自我评价. 给自己打气来激发灵感. 创造自我激励的陈述和 每天使用几次. Try…"Studying really helps;" "I learn more when I set aside time;" and "I'll feel better later if I study now."


使用“平衡时间”." Preparing for 决赛 requires more time than regular 考试. 但这并不意味着, that every single remaining minute should be devoted only to study. 理解 当你死记硬背时. Arrange for strategic breaks during I to 2 hour study periods. Refresh yourself with a stretch, splash cold water on your face, eat some energy food, get fresh air, or have a brief conversation with a study partner. 尽管你会 devote more time to studying, don't deprive yourself of everything.

设计一个现实的时间表. Plan an hourly schedule of activities for each remaining day before 决赛. 列表 class time, what you plan to study, employment, recreation, and personal time. 检查 当你完成任务时就停止. 你应该知道什么,在哪里,什么时候 每时每刻都在做一些事情. 是现实的. 你不可能学习20个小时 a day, but you might be able to handle 6 to 8 hours if you pace yourself. 熟练 会降低你的其他职责吗. 一些非学术活动必须如此 等到期末考试结束.

优先考虑. 决定哪些课程需要更多的关注. 在每个科目中找出你的薄弱环节. 每天回顾这些. Subjects in which you're stronger won't require as much time.

回顾以前的测验和考试. Although questions may not be repeated, the underlying concepts may be. 熟悉 让自己面对各种各样的问题.

做好准备. Have study sheets or flash cards with you at all times. 当你有一个额外的5 分钟,复习手边的材料. 提前到达考场. 避免 mingling with test-anxious classmates just before the exam. 焦虑会传染.

保持良好的身体状态. If your mind is to be alert, your body has to be functioning well. 试几分钟 每天做一般的健美操. 合理饮食. 要注意过度饮酒的后果 咖啡因和糖会使人紧张. 避免非处方药,尽量减少你的 酒精消费. 晚上要有规律、安稳的睡眠.

学会放松. Some anxiety is necessary to keep alert, but too much may contribute to panic. 当 you think of panicky or fearful thoughts, your body reacts accordingly. 一旦 you think a negative thought, try breathing slowly and deeply, counting to ten, smiling, stretching or telling yourself, "the answer will come when I think things through 平静地."

寻求支持. 让你身边的人知道期末考试到了. 请他们帮忙分担家庭责任. Postpone some activities if they interfere too much. 和同学组成学习小组 互相提问.

祝你好运! Remember, to really beat final exam panic next semester, begin the very first day of class and pace yourself with regular study and review. 如果你感到恐慌, you may wish to consult a member of the counseling psychology staff. 在期末考试期间 week, the 个人心理咨询 offers expanded walk-in times where you may come in 没有预约. 顺便去D203问问营业时间.